To Invest? Shampoo Do or Don't?

Ladies always want to know what shampoo or conditioner to use, and when they get an answer if it's not in the aisle at the drugstore or under $10...they run for cover. However, some of those same ladies don't mind splurging for new "red bottoms," or never miss a trunk show. Truth is...healthy hair starts at the root. Investing in a shampoo and conditioner that's going to moisturize, condition and overall give your hair a healthier outlook is worth it!

While some expensive salon brands won't do more than the shampoos on the drugstore shelf, some of them will do better and MORE. The key is investing in a product that gives your hair the results you're looking for. If you don't want to just go peeking in Ricky's, try asking a stylist what some of his/her favs are. Let them know your hair's condition and have them give you suggestions. There are even some salons that carry pricy brands--try asking them to "test" some of them at your next shampoo and then ask for a 10-15% discount if you really love the product. A true stylist should never shy away from recommending a great product and a salon should be invested in your hair care as much as you are! I mean hey, look at how many dentists "recommend" a certain toothpaste!

Don't shy away from brands like Joico (one of our favs) because they carry a hefty price tag, really invest in your hair care. The next time you want to have that extra martini or hop n a cab when you can take the train--just think where that extra money can go, to something that's going to be with you FOREVER!

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