Thrift Store B!tch.

So there's a thrift store in Chicago that I LOVE. Why? Because they have thee dopest selection of items, no matter what the season--and they haven't compromised on the key term when talking thrift: vintage.

You can find some throwback designs and items mixed in with the modern trendy things and still fill your closet with basic items for less than mainstream fashion stores.

For example:

Never worn, regular price was $3.80, but b/c it was labor day--$1.90. That's like a $49.00 discount from stores like Top Shop, who are selling the same pair for $50.00.

I consider myself "trendy" and I keep up with things pretty much, but I'm the type of person it's got to look right on me. I probably can dress myself better than I could dress someone else, but I love to get dressed--excuse me, put on costumes.

I would love to put together a list of dope thrift stores in different areas. If you have a favorite. Drop me a line and I'll start compiling a list!

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